Thursday, March 22, 2007


One of the things I mentioned in my last post is that you need to be motivated. So I decided I will enlighten you as to what it is that motivates me. The reason I started my own business is because at the early age of 8 my father had his had caught in a machine at the US post office and became permanently disabled. He had RSD or Reflex sympathetic dystrophy and is never able to work again due to lack of use of his arm and the pain medication he is on every day. He had undergone 8 major operation to try to stop the pain that he experiences every day. My mother who had the task of raising me and my two sisters, one older one younger, now had to remain at home and take care of my father as well. I had to grow up and go out to work at an early age and learn how to do things that not all 8 year olds experienced. Than if that wasn't enough in 2002 my father had a brain tumor explode in his head and had to have emergency brain surgery which the doctors said they would be unable to save him. So at the age of 16 I sat there and said goodbye to my father. 12 hours later he came out of surgery with no scares and no complications; doctors couldn't explain it! So now my father takes about 25 pills a day at the young age of 49 in order to make it through each day.
So some people look at me and try to figure out where I get my drive from? What it is that makes me never give up no matter what situation I'm facing? What it is in me that makes me look at life a little differently than your average 22 year old kid? And I look at them and smile and sum it up in two words "My Parents". For two people who met at the age of 14 to stay together through all the adversity they have faced; who have never attended college, to get their three kids to Boston College and the other two to Fordham University and to still be together today. To have had to sacrifice so much that they can't even afford to have own home of their own but instead rent a house, that's all the motivation I believe one needs.
As far as my company goes, my goal is to use all the money I receive to help out my parents. To set them up as well as I can and try to enable them to start to live life as I feel they should. I would like to use this company to make them financially sound so that maybe they can start to live life a little.
That's were my motivation comes from.

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